
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trent Severn, ON, Lakefield - a little slice of Heaven after traversing Peterborough Lock.

Peterborough Lock was the second lock of the day as Lock 20 immediately precedes the Peterborough Lock, #21.  The first lock took almost an hour to pass, despite its short lift of 12 feet. As we approached the Peterborough Lift, we saw that there were no other boats in the Lock or waiting tied to the blue line. Almost immediately we were called into the Lock. Twenty minutes later we were raised 65 feet in the “bath tub” and the gate opened. How easy was that!

One pan is rising and the other pan is lowering.

Grainan is ahead of us about to enter the pan of the Petersborough Lock.

Gate rises out of the water to close off the Waterway from the pan.

The pan rises up the bar on each side on the columns.

The columns are made of non-reinforced concrete as they were made in 1903. Looks like there may be a few cracks......

At the top of the Peterborough Lock.

Up 65 feet with the Peterborough Lock behind us.

At 2PM, we arrived at the top of Lakefield Lock and found a pleasant mooring on the Lock wall. Picnic tables, grass and a place to swim ......and restrooms open all night! The lock tenders are extremely accommodating. We spent the night with 8 other boats on the upper lock walls. Shopping in town for groceries, hardware and …..You guessed it - Ice cream!
On the Waterway people are just having a great time. Are we that interesting?

Maybe we aren't that interesting after all.

Lockmaster Office.

Photogenic building along the way.

Tied up above the Lakefield Lock. Grass (needs rain here) and picnic tables....and restrooms. No hydro (electric). Run that generator twice a day for......3 hours or so. While the generator is running we can cook and use any appliances. The refrigerators, freezer and ice maker are working.  We can also run the air conditioning. Without the generator, we can turn on some lights and that is the limit.

The Trent Severn Waterway is narrow in this area. Very natural scenery and the wind was totally still. Up this road, the town of Lakefield had a grocery store and a few other stores...oh cream store.

Other boats tied to the dock along with Crawdad. We make friends at every stop.

Trent University. Pretty campus.

The houseboats have arrived. We have been warned to be careful when the houseboats are in the vicinity. The operators are inexperienced and accidents happen often in the Locks.

Lots of families boating in the lakes of the Trent Severn Waterway.

Kawatha Voyageur. Many people enjoy cruising the Trent Severn on the Voyageur.

Buddy and Boo enjoyed the day without leashes and played with a Sheltie named Skye who was enjoying a two week with her parents. Magic Kingdom was originally from Goderich on Lake Huron, but keep their boat on the Trent Severn so  they can spend two weeks on the boat, mostly in Lakefield and other nearby Locks.

Nice to be traveling with Kate and Greg on Grianan. Tomorrow….more Locks!

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