With BooBoo and Buddy in tow, we loaded up the leased Impala for the ride to Michigan. We were unable to fly because of our 75 pound Labrador mix, Buddy. We scoured the boat for any item we could remove. If we hadn't used it or worn it, remove it!
One valuable lesson learned is what material goods it takes to live. We learned we need very little. All this STUFF we have at home, we really don't need it! We have met many couples who have sold the house and gotten rid of their STUFF and now live on the small space of a boat......sounds good!
We arrived home in Fenton just before Christmas and enjoyed time with our children, Jamie and Aisha (who are expecting in May and will visit in February), Joe and Erica (who are so kindly caring for Buddy for three months! and will be cruising with us in April) and Adrienne and Joe (who will visit for a week in late January in Marathon, FL). Great time! Too bad we didn't take any pictures! Guess we were taking a break from our photography as well!
Holland was so much fun! My 90 year old Mother and 92 year old Dad were so fun as were my brother, Dan & his wife Jan, their son Steve and Kelly (with darling Julia), and son Matt & lovely pregnant wife Allison. What a bunch. We played pick a number and pick a present. We are allowed to steal from another and you MAY land a good gift or not. No one cared! We were just glad to be together.
On our return we enjoyed the exchange of Buddy for our friend, Randy Anderson. He rode back to Florida with us and stayed for a week or so.
Shelling upon return to Florida was our focus as Betty, Jim's Mom and I were crafting, creating knicknacks. Doesn't everyone need more knickknacks to dust? We used the foam balls given to us by Anna, from Blue Yonder, cut them in half and with our trusty glue fun (portable for the boat, of course) and covered the half ball of styrofoam with shells! Instant priceless knickknack sent with love from Betty and Gloria!
Finally we readied the boat for our next phase of travel. We potted more basil and cleaned up the boat! Ready to go!
Holland, ah that's home for us too! We met you at Anchorage Marina in Holland ... we have the 85# yellow lab, Chester. Enjoying your blog and adventures.
ReplyDeleteYour sister and brother-in-law enjoyed Christmas with you all, too! Nice to see you logging again.